13th October 2019

The challenge

A client sought support to deliver a full training programme to equip their sales team, returning from furlough, with the skills to sell remotely for the first time.

The challenge was to build confidence and engagement with this activity in a group of people who had only ever done in person selling; and significantly had not elected to perform remote sales calls.

The client was keen to provide comprehensive training that established good and compliant standards of practise, building familiarity with technology as well as equipping the team with the right basic skills.

The training was to be delivered remotely across 2 full days. There was also the need to repeat this training across three consecutive months.

The solution

We worked closely with the client to develop content for approval covering the following areas:

  • Discussing fears, concerns & feelings in regard to remote selling
  • Using market research to positively challenge opinion and build engagement
  • Exploring the ABPI code of practise and remote sales calls
  • Building confidence and familiarity with the use of virtual meeting technology
  • Developing Effective Access Skills
  • Developing Influencing Skills
  • Handling Common Objections
  • Effective Remote Communication
  • Structuring a Remote Sales Call
  • All sessions incorporated active engagement and participation from the delegates

The outcomes

We delivered the workshops with positive effect.

The experienced facilitation of all sessions enabled delegates to actively take part in the sessions and have their  individual needs addressed.

Feedback from the delegates was extremely positive and all participants were successfully validated at the first time of asking.

As part of the review exercise, delegates were asked to complete an anonymous post training evaluation survey.

The feedback was exceptionally positive with all delegates indicating that their confidence increased significantly as a result of the workshops delivered by us.

The results

When asked to state their level of comfort in delivering a remote customer interaction before and after the training that CHASE delivered, delegates recorded the following results, measuring a marked increase in confidence as a result of our training:




Scale: 0 = low; 5 = neutral; 10 = strong


When asked the following Net Promoter Score question, “As a result of the training delivered by CHASE, how likely would you be to recommend CHASE to a friend or colleague?” the following results were collected:

Case Study: Building a commercial team from scratch for the launch of a new Oncology division
Case Study: Building a flexible and affordable outsourced team at speed
Case Study: Outsourced Key Account Management team – speed and impact
Case Study: Increasing awareness and market share using an E-detailing/telesales solution
Case Study: Supporting hybrid customer access and selling
Case Study: The value of graduates
Case Study: Deploying an alternative to a UK distributor model in Medical Devices
Case Study: Increasing awareness and increase advocacy using an E-detailing/telesales solution (Renal Disease)
Case Study: Pharmacist deployment in customer facing roles
Case Study: A new prescription for primary care brands
Case Study: Joint working - a global collaboration
Case Study: Building effectiveness & confidence in remote customer engagement
Case Study: An introduction to remote customer engagement
Case Study: High Calibre Graduate Recruitment
Case Study: CHASE performance vs CSO competition
Case Study: Graduates - reinvigorate existing sales organisation
Case Study: CHASE – maintaining momentum through loss of exclusivity whilst retaining talent
Case Study: Nurse recruitment success where others failed
Case Study: CHASE’s effectiveness vs an RPO global agreement
Case Study: Supporting a specialist product launch with hassle-free outsourcing
Case Study: Flexible resourcing – fast deployment
Case Study: Market Access – Regional Account Directors and Key Account Managers competitive recruitment
Case Study: Identifying and supporting the right candidate
Case Study: Market Access Managers & Key Account Managers - Oncology
Case Study: Specialist Key Account Managers – secondary care
Case Study: Clinical Trial – Respiratory (COPD)
Case Study: Successful Market Access team build
Case Study: Feasibility project- Asthma randomised clinical trial