Case Study: Market Access Managers & Key Account Managers - Oncology
31st August 2021
The challenge
An Oncology Division within a pharmaceutical organisation wanted to expand its market access and Key Account Management team.
The solution
We were required to recruit senior Key Account Managers x 4 and Market Access Managers x 2 on a permanent headcount basis.
Candidates had to have Oncology therapy experience, ideally solid tumour.
The outcomes
- All 4 Key Account Managers successfully recruited
- 3 candidates for each role put forward for 1st interview; 2 subsequently invited to the assessment centre
- 4 Oncology KAMs awarded a role with the client
- Recruited 2019/20 with 100% retention
- Additionally, 1 Oncology Market Access Manager recruited, 1 role filled internally
Customer feedback
"High quality candidates recruited to tight brief."
HR Manager

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